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King Tut's father revealed in stunning facial reconstruction

Started by Imperial Dave, April 01, 2021, 12:14:31 PM

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Imperial Dave

Slingshot Editor

Andreas Johansson

I guess to the great unwashed Tutankhamun is the most famous pharaoh of all, and perhaps the only they can name, but it still feels backwards to me to identify Achenaten, one of the main characters of the New Kingdom, simply as the father of his relative nonentity of a son.
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Imperial Dave

I guess thats just the way it is but know what you mean
Slingshot Editor

Jon Freitag

Interesting facial reconstruction but this digital reconstruction looks nothing like the artwork and statuary found in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.


Quote from: JonFreitag on April 02, 2021, 04:43:25 AM
Interesting facial reconstruction but this digital reconstruction looks nothing like the artwork and statuary found in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.

Many have long believed Amarna portraits are highly stylised almost to the point of caricature.  Though why anyone should portray themselves in such a distorted way is another matter.  Doubtless articles comparing the portaiture and the reconstruction will follow shortly.

Jon Freitag

Quote from: Erpingham on April 02, 2021, 10:15:16 AM
Many have long believed Amarna portraits are highly stylised almost to the point of caricature.  Though why anyone should portray themselves in such a distorted way is another matter.  Doubtless articles comparing the portaiture and the reconstruction will follow shortly.

Artworks during Akhenaten's time did tend toward realism and modeling personal features more than the earlier idealized style of artwork.  In these earlier styles, facial features were generalized to demonstrate perfection and divinity.  To what extent are the facial features of Akhenaten artworks caricatures rather than reality?  I can almost hear close associates of Akhenaten ask, "Hey, Ahk.  Why so long in the face?"

Imperial Dave

Slingshot Editor

Justin Swanton

Quote from: JonFreitag on April 02, 2021, 04:05:42 PM
I can almost hear close associates of Akhenaten ask, "Hey, Ahk.  Why so long in the face?"

"Tut, Tut."

Imperial Dave

Slingshot Editor

Imperial Dave

If it was pantomime season it could be tut tut in a tutu
Slingshot Editor