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What Adhesive do People Use for Assembling Models?

Started by eques, February 25, 2016, 09:37:23 AM

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I am finding the standard superglue brands increasingly frustrating:

The tubes often seem to have been filled with water rather than superglue - took me 4 minutes to attach a head this morning.  Although they instantly bind anything to my fingers.

And they either don't produce enough glue when I squeeze the tube or they produce an enormous spurt that drenches half the model.

Plus they gum up veery quickly so half the tube is wasted, even after I implemented more efficient tube management techniques.

Jim Webster

I just buy pound shop superglue where you get a dozen tubes for a pound. OK it goes off half way down the tube, it's not too much of a problem


Trouble is, I find them even less effective at adhering to things than the branded SGs.

Mick Hession

I find lack of adhesion can be an issue with some manufacturers's figures, which is possibly due to the mould releasing agent used. It helps to wash the castings in warm water and washing up liquid first, then scrub off any residue with a toothbrush.

Using a gel-type superglue also helps to stop the stuff from spurting everywhere.



Thanks yes I have tried the gel and it certainly solves, although I find this takes even longer to set than the liquid.  I don't know if there's some new EU regulations or something which have stopped glue manufacturers from using any effective ingredients!

Anyway have ordered some Revell "Contacta" off E-Bay.

Imperial Dave

Slingshot Editor

Mark G

I use rocket, buy a couple of bottles each year off the Interweb.
Never had any issues with it.


I've tried the "pound shop" option but I don't really use enough glue to make it worth while - each time I sit down I need a new tube because it will have hardened since the last session.  So I've gone back to more expensive named brands because they will last for months in their bottles.  Currently using good old Loctite, which keeps well. 

Also, you need a glue that dries clear, especially for repairs to painted figures.  Unfortunately, I know no way of telling the glues that do this other than trial and error. 

Nick Harbud

I tend to use 8-hour twin-pak epoxy both for sticking figures to bases and attaching weapons to hands, etc.  Yes, I know it takes 24 hours to harden properly, during which time the bits often need supporting.  However...

  • It really does give a tough bond
  • It generally dries transparent
  • It leaves one plenty of time to rearrange parts to get exactly the right position

8) 8) 8)
Nick Harbud


Thanks for all the suggestions everyone.

I took myself down to the good people at Games Workshop in the end.  I think they were amazed that an historical wargamer actually wanted to speak to them, rather than running a mile from their usual sales pitch.

They sold me some brush on Superglue, and a bottle of adhesive for plastics with a very long, thin applicator.  Both of which have so far proved worth their weight in gold (£4.30 each).

I also somehow came out with a £9 plastic 30mm model of a sorceress, even though they didn't try to sell it to me!

Imperial Dave

I also occaisionally pop in GW for paint Harry. I normally wait for the innevitable chirpy 'hello sir and what army are you paiting at the minute' sales pitch and then look them in the eye and respond with any equally cheery 'Seleucids' before watching a play of emotions on their face going from quizzical to dawning realization and finally crestfallen.

Slingshot Editor


Quote from: eques on February 26, 2016, 11:20:37 PM

They sold me some brush on Superglue, and a bottle of adhesive for plastics with a very long, thin applicator.  Both of which have so far proved worth their weight in gold (£4.30 each).

If the plastic glue is like the revell version, the thin metal tube clogs easily.  Neat trick I found in a modelling magazine is to remove tube and place over naked flame, which burns off the blockage.  Wait to cool, replace tube.

Andreas Johansson

Quote from: Holly on February 27, 2016, 07:23:21 AM
I also occaisionally pop in GW for paint Harry. I normally wait for the innevitable chirpy 'hello sir and what army are you paiting at the minute' sales pitch and then look them in the eye and respond with any equally cheery 'Seleucids' before watching a play of emotions on their face going from quizzical to dawning realization and finally crestfallen.

Not that I've often visited GW shops, but the times I've done so I've never been approached in that way. Maybe their Swedish shops have adapted their approach to introverted Scandinavian ways?
Lead Mountain 2024
Acquired: 146 infantry, 55 cavalry, 0 chariots, 14 other
Finished: 72 infantry, 2 cavalry, 0 chariots, 3 other


I suspect their sales training suggests different approaches to different demographics.  As an obviously old person, they just need to check whether I want some GW-universe product as a gift for the grandchildren and am worth investing the patter in.  If not, just accept a quick sale to keep the tills churning :)