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Unexpected early Anglo-Saxon cemetery found in Cambridge

Started by Duncan Head, January 30, 2021, 06:09:50 PM

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Duncan Head

Quote"one of the most exciting finds of Anglo-Saxon archaeology since the 19th century".
Around 200 items in the graves, including bronze brooches, bead necklaces, swords, short blades, pottery and glass flasks, have been systematically uncovered. Most date from the early Anglo-Saxon period (c400-650 CE), although evidence of iron age structures and Roman earthworks has also been found.
Duncan Head

Imperial Dave

Former Slingshot editor


Quote from: Duncan Head on January 30, 2021, 06:09:50 PM

Quote"one of the most exciting finds of Anglo-Saxon archaeology since the 19th century".

That suggests more exciting than Sutton Hoo. Unless there is a lot they are not telling us, that is obviously total B*ll*ocks...

Duncan Head

Well ... "one of" does give a certain flexibility.

"One of the ten thousand most exciting finds..."
Duncan Head

Imperial Dave

Former Slingshot editor