Well, the show is filling up fast. Here are the traders who have booked so far:
1-72 Model Figures ABC Brushes Anschluss Wargames Athena Miniatures Ltd Battlezone Miniatures Beowulf Miniatures Printing Black Scorpion miniatures Blotz Brigade Models Charlie Foxtrot Models Crooked Dice Cuirassier Books Culverin Models David Lanchester Military Books Debris of War Deep-Cut Studio Disain Studio Forged in Battle | | Eagle Figures Empress Entoyment Wargaming and Hobby Centre Essex Miniatures Great Escape Games Gringo 40's Gripping Beast Grubby Heroics & Ros Instant Armies Irongate scenery KR Cases Last Man Last Bullet Magnetic Displays/Coritani Mammoth Miniatures Milli Art MC Model Painting Services Newline Designs Oakbound Studio | | Parkfield Miniatures Paul Meekins Books Pendraken Perry Miniatures Peter Pig Products for Wargamers Rapid Fire and Valiant Miniatures ROK Minis Sarissa Precision Sheppey Models Tablescape The Pit Gaming Shop Tumbling Dice Void Scar Miniatures Warbases Warlord Games Warpaint Figures Westwind Productions |
Many of these guys not only offer Society and/or show discounts, but welcome pre-orders.
Remember the date -
14th SeptemberFor further details, visit the Newbury & Reading website (http://www.nrwc.org.uk/colours-2024).
Sign me up scotty
Looks like Peter Pig are doing an excellent 20% off for orders collected at the Colours show in a couple of weeks.
So save on postage AND 20% off. (...so £4.90 reduces to £3.92 per pack).
They have a fair spread of ancients packs, which have recently expanded to include Macedonians, Greeks and Nubians
Essex also in attendance...
That is good...
Quite a good set of photos of the SoA related offerings in this blog (http://jjwargames.blogspot.com/2024/09/colours-2024-newbury-reading-wargames.html). Very positive coverage and very complimentary about Adrian and Blood Red Roses. Good pictures of the Ilipa set up, including close ups of the figures. Was expecting all new 28mm ranges but nice to see some old Minifigs and Hinchliffe in there too :)
Good report and nice find
Just to add that next year the show will be held on Saturday 6th September.
:) :) :)