SoA Forums

Gaming => Battle Reports => Topic started by: Justin Swanton on December 24, 2024, 10:04:11 AM

Title: Optio conversion lists
Post by: Justin Swanton on December 24, 2024, 10:04:11 AM
I've not created 200+ army lists for Optio for several reasons:

1. I'm lazy.

2. I have a thing about getting lists historically accurate rather than thumbsucking them and IMHO that's impossible.

3. Players probably won't have all the figures anyway and will be disinclined to buy them.

So Optio uses the army lists of other rulesets and adapts them. Players make up an army using the points system of their favourite rules then plays Optio with those armies. Thus far I've (nearly) done conversions for the following rules:


Any suggestions for other rulesets? - provided the suggester would be willing to give Optio a try if it has a conversion table for his ruleset. I'm open to ideas.

Here's the DBA conversion list as an example:

Title: Re: Optio conversion lists
Post by: Jim Webster on December 24, 2024, 10:17:01 AM
It strikes me as a more sensible approach   8)

Title: Re: Optio conversion lists
Post by: Imperial Dave on December 24, 2024, 10:23:44 AM
Astounding work Justin. Well done

Clearly no.1 is not correct!  :)