Another fictional and even larger contest this time around, featuring Arab (Conquest) and Byzantines.
The combined point value of the drafted and assembled armies was 16,828.
The total number of massed unit figures on the tabletop added up to 2,464.
The landscape for this engagement was rather similar to that of Callinicum (531 CE), which was a selection for Battle Day 2009.
Both commanders deployed their foot near the river bank, their heavy cavalry in the center, and their light horse furthest from the river bank.
The clash was a fairly straight forward affair, with the mounted formations coming to grips before the slower infantry engaged. The great advantage held by the Byzantines with regard to archery turned out to be more of a disadvantage. A hard-fought, attritional battle saw the Arabs emerge victorious.
For those interested, the blog post containing more details is:
Thanks in advance for your time.