You spilt mine pint you oaf!
It all sounds like some of the less salubrious parts of Portsmouth... :-[
The Jolly Sailor springs to mind.....
The Mighty Fine in Commercial Road easily outdid the Jolly Sailor. (Try googling the name.) On some of their rowdier nights, it required deployment of the Dockyard Guard Battalion, a bunch of matelots from various RN vessels in port, ostensibly ready to defend HM Dockyard, but often used to "assist the civil authorities". These guys would rock up armed with steel helmets and pickaxe handles. Shortly afterwards, accompanied by the sounds of much breaking glass, the disturbances would come to an end.
Mind you, the Mighty Fine's lunch was always good value for money.
Of course, I was more a Dolphin man myself during my time in Pompey :P