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Macedonians versus Indians

Started by Chris, May 25, 2014, 06:56:34 PM

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Courtesy of the patient and helpful administrator of the Lone Warrior Blog, my AAR about a fictional battle between Alexander and Porus is now available for reading/viewing.

Thanks for taking the time to stop by and check it out.

Here is the link:

Thanks again.



Interesting Chris.
Not had a chance to read it all but the SI scoring fatigues up to target limit then scoring hits was an idea discussed but never playtested down our way.
What effect do you judge it had?



As to the effect of  skirmisher fatigues, I don't believe it had any real impact on the course of events. While I think it  a little more realistic (that assessment depends on one's point of view and support from sources), it does require placement of more markers. Further, one is left with the question about skirmishers versus skirmishers at range. Do these units also fatigue each other?

In a subsequent battle (Romans versus Later Seleucids), a group of velites did fatigue damage to some Galatians and thereby affected how long the warbands lasted when engaged  by Roman heavy infantry.

In a current contest, I've switched back to the rules-as-written, and  am finding the change a bit of  a  shock. My Egyptian light chariots are getting pummeled by "concentrated" fire from Babylonian skirmishers armed with javelins.

On a somewhat related note, I wonder if something like this rule variant might be used for the discharge of pila by Roman cohorts prior to  melee?




With SI Vs SI I think we postulated that the SI kill other SI.
However, there was a long debate on Armati Yahoo about rule variants where a double frontage for SI was debated (1 base SI 80mm x 40mm)
My issue with Armati SI is that as they are 1 base wide they can, as per your Egyptian Chariot example, pour down lots of fire (if positioned correctly) onto a single unit. Double frontage would make that a bit harder.

Issue with Pila discharge is that it
1) is factored into the FV by the designers (not that that should get in the way)
2) what range do they chuck to
3) how many chucks do they get for their +1 pt for Jav/pila
4) forming deep would not be an option, or they suffer -1 as FT Bow do if deep