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Komnenan Latinikon 25mm figures

Started by Ade G, May 23, 2024, 08:59:22 AM

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Ade G

Does anyone have recommendations for Latinikon post-1150?
I like plastics but will go metal if I have to.
There are some nice earlier Norman figures about but I want examples with limb armour and phrygian style helmets

Here's hoping?

Nick Harbud

The ones I have are classic Hinchcliffe that I picked up at a bring & buy in the late 1970s.  Don't suppose you could find them these days. 

Nick Harbud


Hinchliffe certainly did a suitable figure in their X range but most of that range is no longer available. However, they were smaller 25mm, so, even if found, they wouldn't fit with modern 28mm.  I'm not aware of other Hinchliffe cavalry that would fit the bill, unfortunately, which is a shame because they tend to be available from Lancashire Games.

Ade G

Unfortunately Hinchliffe would not fi with my other figures


Ade G.,

I am not sure of the troop type or look of figure you are after but for plastics and info on them there is really only one place to go so could try this page


Ade G

Thank you for that Carl - much appreciated


Aren't Victrix in the process of releasing plastic medieval knight kits?


Just checked and Yep, they did. Also Normans. What is helpful is Victrix show full shots of the sprues so you can check out the helmet and shield variants.

Imperial Dave

Slingshot Editor


Just noodling around and noticed Reconquer Designs 28mm 12th century Spanish. Resin. Look similar to the Mediterranean/Sicilian knight look which I think of for Latin mercenaries in Constantinople - Long mail over robes, round &  phrygian helmets.  Know nothing about the company and their products but perhaps worth a look?

Ade G

Quote from: stevenneate on June 15, 2024, 02:22:45 AMJust checked and Yep, they did. Also Normans. What is helpful is Victrix show full shots of the sprues so you can check out the helmet and shield variants.

I was about to post this as I have just seen them


Ade you might like these recent 'Byzantine' sets reviewed on Plastic Review website, see

2 sets of cataphracts

2 sets of clibinarii 

They also reviewed two sets of Byzantine Light cavalry but less favourably.


Ade G

Quote from: CarlL on July 19, 2024, 12:16:38 AMAde you might like these recent 'Byzantine' sets reviewed on Plastic Review website, see

2 sets of cataphracts

2 sets of clibinarii 

They also reviewed two sets of Byzantine Light cavalry but less favourably.


Thanks for the links Carl
They look OK but I fear would not fit with my larger figures and the soft plastic is a blooming nightmare