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Some Arsuf Questions (Saracen Cavalry)

Started by eques, October 06, 2016, 12:00:51 PM

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Were there many differences (in terms of tactics and equipment) between:

Amirs & Retinue?

Also, were the above analogous to the Christian Knights in terms of speed/size/shock value or would they be more analogous to standard cavalry? (Am thinking of whether to classify them as Knights or Cavalry if I were to put on a game).


Duncan Head

They're all Cav in the DBx games, meaning that the best can be quite heavily armoured but they're not shock specialists.

Ghulams are the same as mamluks; they are (are typically - there may be exceptions) armoured mounted archers, often with lance as well. "Askari" isn't really a troop-type, it's not much more specific than "soldiers". Nicolle (in the Osprey "Mamluk askari") says:

QuoteThe 'askar of an Ayyubid ruler, however, consisted of professional full-time 'askaris. The most highly-regarded of them were by this time largely of mamluk origin ...

Going from memory and link I would expect Saladin's cavalry to consist of:

- The halqa, at this time Saladin's bodyguard. Probably equipped as elite mamluks? (See the intro to which is mostly about later periods)
- Tawashi or "toassin": elite ghulam/mamluks with bow, lance, and perhaps horse-armour.
- Qaraghulams, "black ghulams": possibly used to mean any ghulams not of Turkic origin. Probably not as well equipped, not clear whether they were archers, lancers, or both.
- The provincial askars of the Syrian governors, perhaps with a core of ghulams but many free Arab and Kurdish lancers.
- Bedouin and Turkoman irregular light horse.

Duncan Head


That's great thanks. :)

Presumably the "free Arab & Kurdish Lancers" would be average troops with light armour and the Ghulams of a higher quality and heavier armour?

Duncan Head

On average, probably, but Usama b. Munqidh mentions Arabs and Kurds who were as well-armoured as anyone and as chivalrous and skilled with the lance as any Frank, so there seems to have been quite a range.
Duncan Head



Sounds like, as with most A/M, I can put what I want in and no one will be able to dispute it  :P

Andreas Johansson

Quote from: Duncan Head on October 06, 2016, 01:41:33 PM
- The halqa, at this time Saladin's bodyguard. Probably equipped as elite mamluks? (See the intro to which is mostly about later periods)
I confess to a certain frustration with pieces like this that discuss a military unit at considerable length but evinces no interest in how the soldiers actually fought. About all one can glean from this one is that the men of the halqah were expected to be competent archers and that at least some had horses.
Lead Mountain 2024
Acquired: 146 infantry, 55 cavalry, 0 chariots, 14 other
Finished: 72 infantry, 2 cavalry, 0 chariots, 3 other