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Little Battles 2024

Started by dwkay57, April 06, 2024, 02:13:50 PM

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Oh no! The thread to dread is back  :o
Complete with ahistorical opponents and alliances, fought with the most obscure and complex rules in the known universe, and narrated by fuzzy photographs that make the tiny figures seem like coloured blobs.

First up, my Thracians took on Herod of Judea.

Imperial Dave

Former Slingshot editor


And another new army in its first outing takes on ahistorical opponent. :o

This time its the kingdom of Osrhoene against the Greeks from Thessaly.

Short report attached. Longer report on my website for those still on Easter holidays.


David (dwkay57)

Just followed up your link to read battle report re Osrhoene against the Greeks from Thessaly. WOW!
Great presentation.

I just wish I knew how to expand your central photos, and minimise your margins. The text in your margins and arrowed / coloured boxes are essential to the story but seem to take up a lot of space compared to your photo in centre of page. And your other photos elsewhere recently show off your small tin men excellently.

Having read your report I feel I have a better grasp of your use of hex terrain to create a grand tactical map like tabletop; and another WOW your terrain layouts are BEAUTIFUL.

Do you make your own terrain hexes or use likes of Kallistra / Hexon terrain tiles?



David just followed up your battle report of Thracians took on Herod of Judea. Great. Ditto comments above.

Imperial Dave, if you and David (dwkay57) could address notes I made about picture to text ratio, then I think you would have a lovely 'series' potential for future Slingshots.



Thanks for the feedback CarlL.

All the terrain hexes are from Kallistra although a lot of them (e.g. woods, scrub, heath) are the plain tiles with my own toppings added.

Were you referring to the photographs in the short or long reports?

Imperial Dave

I sold all my kallistra hexes and kind of wished I hadn't.....
Former Slingshot editor


David (dwkay57)

I was thinking of your beautiful reports on this tab. The style is great, with text and text label. It just appeared like the figure photos could be bigger sized and the text margins reduced so re-balance the page but as my tech / software abilities are so naff I am not sure how that could be achieved.



The reports on this thread are the "short" reports - ideal for Young Jim's coffee breaks. There are longer - sometimes much longer - reports, for those with more stamina, on my website ( These have a slide for each command move within a period and include close up photographs.

There should be a zoom facility (the plus sign at the top of screen) when you open the .pdf. This increases the whole slide not just the photograph though but might help.

When the battle is fairly small then there is a lot of white space but this quickly gets consumed if the battle is large with a lot of commands (see Battle 115 in 2023 and 110 in 2022 in other threads in this section) and I struggle to explain a complicated interaction. But I'll have a ponder and see if I can alter the layout slightly to enlarge the photographs, although this will show how badly I have painted daubed the figures :-[


David (dwkay57)

Your photo in post 2983, under "What was the last game you played" (in General Discussion section) clearly shows you are not daubing your lovely 6mm figures!!
I thought that photo showed how a photo image can both show off the small figures and give a good panoramic image of the tabletop battlefield. It takes a lot of patience to paint 6mm to this good standard. And to get your terrain looking good. Well done.


Imperial Dave

Very good standard I would also conclude. Am aiming to get some 6mm done shortly.

Swag from salute
Former Slingshot editor


Thanks for the compliments guys. I think I've reached a reasonable painting standard now (refurbishment of some of the earlier armies has revealed horses with brown, black, metal silver and grass green legs!) but if you look at the gallery on the Baccus site ......

As you write Carl, the overall impact of the terrain and the small figures seems to work very well.

Imperial Dave

And keep it going does inspire me to do more 6mm
Former Slingshot editor


Due to another rift in the time-space continuum, my two Armenian kings finally had the opportunity to face each other. Tigranes the Lesser was supported by his Parthian patrons, whilst Artaxias had his Persian overlords to assist.

Short report of the battle below. Longer report (split into two parts) available on my website for those (especially in the UK) expecting a wet bank holiday weekend.

Imperial Dave

Really nicely laid out report Dave

And currently boiling on holiday down in Cornwall
Former Slingshot editor