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The Anglo-Saxons in ADLG Action in deepest Essex

Started by madaxeman, May 21, 2024, 07:23:04 PM

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The first ever Southern League ADLG event to take place in Southend on Sea took plce recently, and was appositely themed around the year of the Battle of Benfleet, in which the Anglo Saxons kicked the Vikings out of Essex - at least temporarily - and so I decided this was an omen worth embracing by taking an Anglo-Saxon army myself.

The army was made up of a load of 15mm Anglo Saxons/Vikings/generic Dark Age geezers that I'd rebased during lockdown, and a 3-game event where they would be thematically appropriate was ideal, especially as they were not likely to be all that good.

The event being at Southend also gave me an opportunity to inflict multiple references to both Billy Bragg and Danny Dyer on an unsuspecting wargames population and viewership - a gift that keeps on giving throughout the 3 videos in this competition report.

Having decided that a night out in Southend on Sea was unmissable, there is also some local tourism involved in the reports - and of course, any thanks are due to to the Southend Wargames Club for hosting us in their fabulous games bunker too!

(You'll also no doubt be pleased to know that the Essex branch of the McHugh Carpet Empire also gets a welcome plug).

Enjoy the videos at

Imperial Dave

Slingshot Editor