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Geoglyphs in Atacama desert defiled

Started by Imperial Dave, September 28, 2024, 12:04:01 PM

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Imperial Dave

Former Slingshot editor

Jim Webster

Nick Harbud

You would have thought that there is enough desert available to conduct one's races elsewhere.

Of course, defilement of ancient works is by no means restricted to South America.  For example, many Nabatean monuments, not to mention the Buddhas of Bamiyan have been damaged or destroyed in the name of more recent religions.

Nick Harbud

Imperial Dave

Former Slingshot editor


Just come from the article about the French knocking down their standing stones and find this distressing article. It's not as if ignorance is acceptable as an excuse, their value has been well known for many years, these people just don't care. Nick is of course only too right but I think this is even worse. When zealots show religious intolerance of other religions monuments at least there is some logic, however misguided, behind their actions.
Ian Piper
Norton Fitzwarren, Somerset

Imperial Dave

Former Slingshot editor

Nick Harbud

It is certainly a step up from throwing soup over a Van Gogh...

Nick Harbud

Imperial Dave

Former Slingshot editor