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Tactica 2 Battles

Started by simonw, February 07, 2025, 03:58:33 PM

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After the conclusion of our series of 3 Seleucid v Indian games (culminating in an Indian Victory on Monday - at last), next Monday we are going back in time to New Kingdom Egyptians v Hittites with Tactica 2 armies of about 2500pts each. I have set up the table and put the armies on it although of course the 'players' will wish to amend the deployments to suit their plans next Monday. I attach a couple of photos of the troops and table.
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Imperial Dave

That's a mighty impressive array of chariots!
Former Slingshot editor

Jon Freitag

Looking forward to your Biblical action, Simon!  What figures did you use in your Hittite Guard?


Cheers Jon. The Hittite Guard are Newline.

I'll try and post a report on the game next week.



Jon Freitag

Newline?  Great!  I need some!  Yours actually look better en masse than the samples on the website.


Very nice pictures Simon. A joy to see the big chariots massed on the field. For starters, they're chariots....

Will look forward to hearing how this game goes.


Imperial Dave

Makes me want to (re)start my own chariot fleet...
Former Slingshot editor


Ancient Britons or Scotti for you Holly. You need 50 chariots, 25 at a pinch.

Imperial Dave

Only if I do them at 6mm scale  ;D
Former Slingshot editor



And don't forget, even in 6mm scale they still need reins  8)

Imperial Dave

Former Slingshot editor


The Egyptian Commanders were young Crown Prince Grahamasses and grizzled old General Billhotep. The Hittite commanders were Gordutilya and Huttusili. The armies were around 2500pts each in Tactica 2 terms as follows:

Army from 1300 BC—950BC Hittite 2-CH have Impetus and are subject to Obligatory Charges. They may About Face using a Complex Manoeuvre only. Otherwise, move as a normal 2CH. They have 2 shooting die per Model to 9" range. *Allied Asiatic chariots may shoot to any one of four sides—like Horse Archers. Chariots may Interpenetrate other Chariot units.

Troop Type Size FV Sk-FV Quality Weapons
3 by 2-CH (I) (Hittite Guard) 0-5% 3-6 4-6 - EL Javelins 28               84pts
3 by 2-CH (I) (Hittite Guard) 0-5%* 3-6 4-6 - EL Javelins 28               84pts
3 by 2-CH (I) (Hittite Nobles) 0-5%* 3-6 4-6 - Vet Javelins 26            78pts
3 by 2-CH (I) (Hittite Nobles) 0-5%* 3-6 4-6 - Vet Javelins 26            78pts
3 by 2-CH (Allied Asiatics)* 15-30% 3-6 4-6 - V Various/Bows 26            78pts
3 by 2-CH (Allied Asiatics)* 0-10% 3-6 4-6 - V Various/Bows 26            78pts
3 by 2-CH (Allied Asiatics)* 0-10% 3-6 4-6 - V Various/Bows 26            78pts
3 by 2-CH (Allied Asiatics)* 0-10% 3-6 4-6 - V Various/Bows 26            78pts

36 by FT (Hittite Guard) 0-15% 24-48 5-6 - EL Khopesh 8               288pts
48 by FT (Hittite Militia) 20-50% 24-48 4-6 - MG Spears 5               240pts
48 by FT (Hittite Militia) 20-50% 24-48 4-6 - MG Spears 5               240pts
48 by FT (Achaean Allies) 0-20% 24-48 4-6 -Vet Spears 6               288pts
48 by Wb(I) (Libyans) FV 3-6 – V Various – 4.5pts                   216pts
24 by WB(I) (Shaasu)    FV 4-6 – Vet Javelins 6.5                  132pts
27 by Asiatic Militia LI FV 3-6 (5-6), MG Javelins 3               81pts
27 by LI (Asiatic Militia) 0-15% 12-27 3-6 (4-6) MG Bows  4            108pts
18 by LI (Asiatic Militia) 0-15% 12-27 3-6 (4-6) MG Bows  4            96pts   
18 by LI (Asiatic Militia) 0-15% 12-27 3-6 (4-6) MG Bows  4            96pts
12 by LI (Libyans) 0-15% 12-27 3-6 (4-6) Vet V Bows 5               60pts   
24 by SI (Libyan Skirmishers) 0-5% 8-20 – (4-6) Vet Javelins 2            48pts   
12 by SI (Arabs) 0-2% 8-20 - (5-6) Vet Bow 3                  36pts

                                 Total 2565pts
Massed Figs  450

Other points to note are the large number of Militia Grade troops in the army (Heavy and Light Foot) and the size of the 48 figure units of Heavy Foot which, by and large were larger than the typically smaller units of 36 heavy foot in the Egyptian army

New Kingdom Egyptian
Army from 1300 BC—950 BC Egyptian 2-CH may be purchased as Veterans or Elites at the appropriate costs. Egyptian 2-CH are allowed to be deployed in 2 Model units. This reflects the relative professionalism of standing Egyptian armies compared with their Asiatic opponents. *All 2-CH may shoot to any one of four sides—like Horse Archers.
Troop Type Size FV Sk-FV Quality Weapons
2 by 2-CH (Egyptians)* 5-15%* 2-6 4-6 - EL Various/Bows 28             56pts
2 by 2-CH (Egyptians)* 5-15%* 2-6 4-6 - EL Various/Bows 28            56pts
3 by 2-CH (Egyptian Heroes)* 5-15%* 2-6 4-6 - EL Various/Bows 28         84pts
3 by 2-CH (Prince's Unit)* 5-15%* 2-6 4-6 – EL Various/Bows 28            84pts
3 by 2-CH (Egyptians)* 5-15%* 2-6 4-6 – Vet Various/Bows 26            78pts
3 by 2-CH (Egyptians)* 5-15%* 2-6 4-6 - Vet Various/Bows 26            78pts
3 by 2-CH (Egyptians)* 5-15%* 2-6 4-6 - Vet Various/Bows 26            78pts
3 by 2-CH (Allied Asiatics)* 0-10% 3-6 4-6 - V Various/Bows 26            78pts

36 by FT (Egyptian Guard) 0-15% 24-48 5-6 - EL Khopesh 8            288pts
36 by FT (Egyptians) 20-40% 24-48 4-6 - V Spears 6                  216pts
36 by FT (Egyptians) 20-40% 24-48 4-6 - V Spears 6                  216pts
36 by FT (Egyptians) 20-40% 24-48 4-6 - V Spears 6                  216pts
36 by FT (Egyptians Heavy Archers) 20-40% 24-48 4-6 - V Bow/Axe  7         252pts
20 by FT (Egyptian Archers) 10-20% 24-48 3-6 - V Bows 5               100pts
20 by FT (Egyptian Archers) 10-20% 24-48 3-6 - V Bows 5               100pts
20 by FT (Egyptian Archers) 10-20% 24-48 3-6 - V Bows 5               100pts
48 by WB (I) (Nubians) 0-20% 24-48 3-6 – Vet Bows 5.5               264pts
27 by LI (Peherer) 0-15% 12-27 3-6 (5-6) Vet Javelins/Bow 5            135pts
24 by SI (Nubians/Canaanites) 0-5% 8-20 - (4-6) V Bows 3                 72pts

                                 Total 2551pts
Massed Figs 403

Other points to note in the Egyptian array are the small units of 20 Heavy Foot with Bow, FV 3-6 which have potential to provide concentrations of  Bowfire but which can be a liability in combat hand to hand combat against enemy Heavy Foot because of their low FV and small size. So whether to disperse these units within the Egyptian infantry battleline of group them together in a concentrated 'firing line' was one of the key considerations for the Egyptian commanders.

The Hittite High command retired into the kitchen to draw up a plan of their Deployments whilst in their absence,  the Egyptians arraigned their troops on the table.

After both armies had finished Deployment the nature of their respective battle plans became apparent.

Both armies had Deployed their single 48 figure 'subject/allied' barbarian Warbands (Libyans for the Hatti and Nubians for the Egyptians) in the centres of their battlelines. It seems that the thinking was common in both High Commands that the potential 'shock' effect of the Warbands (with their potential for the double-dice Impetus bonus) had potential to punch a gap in the opposing battleline. So, the 2 Warbands ended up facing each other directly. Perhaps the Nubian had the advantage having Bow but.....................?

The respective Chariot forces available to both armies were relatively evenly matched; the Hittites with a slight numerical advantage of 24 versus the Egyptian's 22. 4 of the Hittite Chariot units were of the heavier type with Impetus; 2 Elite and 2 Veteran. The Hittite Commanders opted to split the Chariot forces available to them in roughly equal numbers between their 2 Flank Sectors whereas the Egyptians opted to weight their left Flank Sector with only a single 2 model unit unit of the Pharoah's Guard Chariots, a single unit of 3 Veteran Egyptian Line Chariots and a unit of 3 Asiatic Subject/Allied Chariots on their right.  Grahamasses was in command of the left half of the Egyptian array opposite Huttusili and Billhotep in command of the right; opposed by Gordotilya.

Gordotilya arrayed his forces with a front line comprising 3 units of Massed Light Infantry with Bow (FV3-6 Militia Grade) with 4 units of Chariots behind. His idea was that the apparently 'sacrificial' Deployment of the Light Infantry should soften-up the opposing Egyptian Wing to be finished off by the Hittite Chariots. As it turned out, the Hittite Light Infantry proved to be rather more effective than anticipated. On the left end of the main Hittite battleline, Gordotilya had the Ahhiyawa Heavy Foot unit which he had great faith in. The large shields of this unit protected them well from the Egyptian Bowfire. Inside of this unit, he placed a 48 figure unit of Militia Grade Hittite Foot.At the other (right) end of the Hittite battleline, Hutusili had the small 24 figure Shaasu Warband one unit of Militia Grade Heavy Foot and the Hittite Guard.

The Egyptian Guard were placed by Grahamasses on the left of the Egyptian battleline just inside a unit of 36 heavy Foot Archers FV 4-6. These 2 Units were to 'control' the Low Hill in front of their Deployed location; either by occupation with the associated defence bonus; or simply by by advancing right over it in an attack. Across the Central Sector of the battlefield, the Egyptians weighted their battleline with the bulk of their 36 figure spear-armed Heavy Foot Units. Thus the left half of the Egyptian Centre was more powerful in Melee than the right half under Billhotep, who in truth was somewhat outmatched (theoretically)  by the Hittite forces opposite him under Gordtilya.

So how did the battle actually 'pan out'.

Well, despite his seemingly relative weakness with respect to the Hittite Wing facing him, Billhotep opted for an aggressive advance with his Chariots; presumably attracted by the thought of 'riding down and over' the Militia Grade Hittite Massed Light Infantry in Gordotilya's (sacrificial) front line. This Chariot attack was supplemented by the 27 figure unit of Peherer (FV 3-6 massed Light Infantry with Bow) which Billhotep placed on the extreme right and supported by 2 units of the 20 figure strong units of heavy Foot Archers on the right end of the main Egyptian Infantry line. One of these units had to spend time moving from an initial position to the rear in the right of the Central Sector (Heavy Foot units MUST be initially Deployed in the Central Sector in Tactica 2 rules) further out to the right into the Flank Sector. This (necessary) manoeuvre unfortunately delayed and ultimately prevented the unit from getting any significant opportunity to effectively exploit its strong Missile Fire potential. This as because by the time it had manoeuvred into position, the Rout of the small 2 Model Pharaoh's Guard Chariot unit to its front caused it to become embroiled in a hand to hand battle for survival against the ebullient Hittite Massed Light Infantry which were joyously pursuing the Broken Egyptian chariots. Furthermore, just inside of it, the adjacent unit of Heavy Foot Archers failed their Routed Past Control Test and became Disordered in front of the mercenary Ahhiyawa; not a good idea.

In the centre, the clash of the 2 opposing Warbands resulted in the Rout of the Nubians who, as it turned out slightly overlapped the Libyan Warband opposite with the Hittite Heavy Foot unit beside it and so ended up in a highly disadvantageous 1 v 2 combat situation. Incidentally, neither the Libyans nor the Nubians passed the Impetus Control Tests suggesting somewhat of a lack of enthusiasm on both sides to engage in combat on behalf of their respective colonial masters!

This Rout of the Nubians resulted in 2 major gaps appearing in the Egyptian battleline at a relatively  early stage of the battle; an initial setback from which the Egyptians were ultimately, never able to recover. Despite some local successes under Prince Grahamasses his forces were unable to overcome the opposing Hittite forces under Huttusili and this area of the battle field was ultimately a stalemate.

This wasn't the case for Billhotep though who had several of his critical battleline units successfully pass their Routed Past/Into Control tests ONLY TO FAIL on each and every occasion that the test as critical to the outcomes of the melees in which his units were engaged. Inevitably therefore, the right half of the Egyptian battleline was ultimately badly beaten and the Egyptian Army Breakpoint of 201 Massed Figures Broken/Routed without the Hittite Army's Breakpoint being significantly threatened.

Key lessons?

1. Large Numbers of even Militia Grade Massed Light Infantry can be very effective against Chariots; particularly those without Impetus (i.e. all of the Egyptian Chariots).

2. The Egyptian battleline is relatively longer and thinner than the Hittite battleline and so it really needs to utilise it Missile power effectively to compensate as the potential to exploit the potential overlaps is somewhat negated by the the strength of the Hittite Chariots in the Flank Sectors.

3. The small 2 Model units of Elite Pharaohs Guard Chariots are potentially very manoeuvrable but are somewhat weak in frontal combat because of their small size. Engineering Flank Attacks with these is probably  a key to Egyptian success.

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Have you redone the green blotches on the table, or do they just show up more in these shots?