Welcome to the Society of Ancients Webstore
Joining the Society or renewing your membership
Buy a subscription here to join the Society, or renew your membership, and receive 6 issues of Slingshot, and access to the Society forums. Worldwide postage for your Slingshot subscription is included in the price. We normally publish 6 issues of Slingshot a year, so your membership will last 1 year, but if there are delays your membership will extend until you have received 6 issues.
You can add to the shopping cart from any of the store pages listed to the left. Click on "more details" for more about any particular item.
You can add to the shopping cart from any of the store pages listed to the left. Click on "more details" for more about any particular item.
6 Issue Membership (Slingshot subscription starts issue 298)

Includes 6 issues of Slingshot, starting with issue 298 (January/February 2015).
Note - If you plan to buy anything else from the web store, we suggest you buy the membership first, separately, in order to receive your discount code.
Note - If you plan to buy anything else from the web store, we suggest you buy the membership first, separately, in order to receive your discount code.
By joining you will receive 6 copies of the magazine "Slingshot"
You will be sent a Membership Card & Membership Number, which you may use with a number of suppliers to obtain discounts.
You will receive a code which you can use as a discount on the Society Store
You will receive an invitation to join the Society's online forums
Please allow 28 days for your membership to be processed.
For any queries please contact the Membership Secretary using the Contacts Page
Membership can either be completed on-line here, with payment by PayPal (note you do not need a PayPal account to use this), or alternatively you may download a form using the link to the left, to send in your application by mail.
Membership will be charged in £ Sterling and converted at time of purchase.
You will be sent a Membership Card & Membership Number, which you may use with a number of suppliers to obtain discounts.
You will receive a code which you can use as a discount on the Society Store
You will receive an invitation to join the Society's online forums
Please allow 28 days for your membership to be processed.
For any queries please contact the Membership Secretary using the Contacts Page
Membership can either be completed on-line here, with payment by PayPal (note you do not need a PayPal account to use this), or alternatively you may download a form using the link to the left, to send in your application by mail.
Membership will be charged in £ Sterling and converted at time of purchase.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Online Payment
- Buying by Post
- Family Membership
- Worldwide Postage
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Payment is via Paypal; Paypal should automatically convert your currency. You do not need a pre-existing Paypal account to use the site: Paypal accepts one-off payments. If you're in a territory not supported by Paypal, contact the Membership secretary using the form on the Contacts page and we'll try and work something out.
If you don't want to buy the products online, please download the postal sales form from our Downloads page (or link directly from the menu to the left). A third option (to using this cart, or to using the postal service) is to just go to Paypal and use the "Send Funds" function there to wire payments directly to membership AT soa.org.uk (replace the AT with an @); this may be helpful if you want to use the online service but are having problems with it.
Family Memberships are memberships which provide all the benefits of membership except for a Slingshot subscription (e.g. a membership number, vendor discounts, forums access). They are available to individuals living at the same address as a full (Slingshot subscribing) Society member. They were previously made available on a chargeable basis. They are now free. To ask for a family membership, please submit your request via the contact form, setting the Topic to "Family Memberships".
Your membership subscription includes the Slingshot postage price, worldwide (yes, the price is the same for everyone). Other items from the store are charged for postage at cost, which is calculated during your checkout process.