Prize Winners for 2013
Special Awards:
- The Tony Bath Award, awarded for services to The Society of Ancients: Nick Harbud for exceptional efforts in the last year, especially helping with Slingshot.
- The Derek Guyler Prize for promoting the Society of Ancients: Philip Sabin for continued efforts running participation games at shows.
Slingshot Prizes
- The Phil Barker Prize, for an article in the period 500 to 1 BC: Julian Lorriman for “The Roman Republic Against the Italian Gauls”.
- The Ian Greenwood Prize, for an article in the period 1AD to 1000AD: Toby Partridge for his account of the Battle Day refight of Chalons using DBMM.
- The Alan Nickels Prize, for an article in the period post 1000AD: Martin Blanchard for “Anglo-Norman Army: 1066 - 1181”.
- The Best Wargaming Article Prize, kindly sponsored by Gripping Beast: Richard Taylor for “War, Games and Wargames”.
- The Editor's Prize: Justin Swanton for various articles, illustrations and thoughtful forum contributions.