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Colchester Counci urged to buy old Abro site to boost Roman Circus

Started by Imperial Dave, December 29, 2020, 07:12:02 PM

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Imperial Dave

Slingshot Editor


We have mentioned it before but it was lost in a discussion of Arthuriana  (Camulodonum=Camelot)

Imperial Dave

Slingshot Editor

Denis Grey

There was also a Time Team Special about it in ?2005, which I saw when it was repeated perhaps 4 or 5 years ago. 

Imperial Dave

Quote from: Michael_Wolff on December 30, 2020, 02:23:52 AM
Arthur of Camelot and Aththe of Camulodunum by Gunnar Heinsohn

pdf download ->

wow, thats a busy article and made my head ache a little bit reading it. Its certainly a very unusual angle on the normal Arthurian fare!
Slingshot Editor


At least it gives a good excuse to shuffle Imperial Roman, Late Antiquity and Early Medieval army lists to create "historically credible" wargaming scenarios in a "believable" setting.  :D

Imperial Dave

there is that aspect! on a purely 'what if' footing the shifting of the chronologies does make some sense.....but I am not going to start going against the 99.9% of the academic world about it. It is interesting though :)
Slingshot Editor

Imperial Dave

Slingshot Editor


Quote from: Holly on December 30, 2020, 09:27:14 AM
...on a purely 'what if' footing the shifting of the chronologies does make some sense.....but I am not going to start going against the 99.9% of the academic world about it. It is interesting though :)

Here's an interesting new article from a 'Chronology-Rebel' that goes a bit further and takes a broader view:



"I think we can dispose of him [Arthur] quite briefly. He owes his place in our history books to a 'no smoke without fire' school of thought. [...] The fact of the matter is that there is no historical evidence about Arthur; we must reject him from our histories and, above all, from the titles of our books" (David N. Dumville 1977, 187 f.)

The man has no soul! I confess to being a fan of T H White's wonderful Once and future King sequence - I have Brian Sibley's  audio adaptation on my quick find bar at the top of this page. More than ever we need proper human heroes to admire.
Ian Piper
Norton Fitzwarren, Somerset


Quote from: Michael_Wolff on November 17, 2022, 09:53:47 AM
Quote from: Holly on December 30, 2020, 09:27:14 AM
...on a purely 'what if' footing the shifting of the chronologies does make some sense.....but I am not going to start going against the 99.9% of the academic world about it. It is interesting though :)

Here's an interesting new article from a 'Chronology-Rebel' that goes a bit further and takes a broader view:


Catastrophism is alive and well and living on the internet  :)

A classic case of "If we ignore 99.9% of the evidence and focus on some quirky stuff, we can claim to rewrite history"  I loved the bit where there were a number of people called Paul down the centuries, which must mean they were all the same person, which is the last one, which means Jesus must have been born in the 8th century because of Paul's Road to Damascus experience. 


Quote from: Erpingham on November 17, 2022, 10:31:46 AM
I loved the bit where there were a number of people called Paul down the centuries, which must mean they were all the same person
What, even the one born in Liverpool in the 1940s?

Imperial Dave

Slingshot Editor