Front cover of the Domino Double Header rules booklet

Domino Double Header


The 2011 bonus game, now available for separate purchase, actually includes two games: an Elephant in the Room, by Graham Evans, and Greyhound in the Slips, by Phil Steele. They require several sets of dominoes (not provided).

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The pack contains two award winning Society of Ancients participation games, ‘The Elephant in the Room’ and ‘Greyhounds in the Slips’. Based on Graham Hockley’s ‘Anno Domino’, both feature a random combat system using dominoes rather than dice or cards.

‘The Elephant in the Room’ by Graham Evans challenges a group of Roman skirmishers to drive off or kill a Carthaginian war elephant. Multi-player/solo.

‘Greyhounds in the Slips’ by Phil Steele follows Shakespeare’s Henry V as he assaults the breach at Harfleur. 2 Players.

The pack contains rules, boards, cards and fold up soldiers for both games. You will need some sets of dominoes – 2 for GitS, preferably 4 (though 2 will work) for TEitR.