Slingshot 344, January/February 2023



The Society Officer and Committee Member Nominations notice

Refighting 2nd Mantinea using Lost Battles and Legion II

THe Battlefield of Adrianople 378AD

Galloping Horse and Bounding Chariot

Roman Special Forces and Special Operations

Interview with Neville Dickinson

The Third Battle of the Mandubian Hills

Centrefold Miniature Painting Showcase

Teutoburger Wald AD9

A Dying Light in Britannia

Testing my Resolve rules review and battle report

Deus Vult rules review part 2 (making the rules work)

Plastic Soldier Company 15mm Huns review

25mm Lamming Miniatures Review

15mm comparison of Celtic chariot miniatures

Alexander the Great book review

Romans at War book review

Deception in medieval warfare book review

Sparta's Second Attic War book review 

Available in web store. 

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